Yearbook of Bibliology and Press Studies

pISSN 2080-4938 eISSN 2449-898X


Articles Index:

Author Title Issue
Alicja Gałczyńska How to Behave... Advice in the Polish Press for Women: An Outline of the Problem 20
Marta Milewska Self-government Press - Is it Necessary? If So, Who Needs It? 20
Łukasz Przybysz The Media Stigmatization of Public Relations: An Analysis of the Phenomenon in Select Polish Opinion-forming Magazines 20
Dominika Popielec Press as a Natural Place for Investigative Journalism 20
Gajlewicz-Korab Katarzyna The Conflicts of Celebrities in Polish People-type Press as an Example of the Message Brutalization 20
Olga Dąbrowska-Cendrowska Culinary Press in the Times of Popularity of Blogs and Culinary Service 20
Olga Białek-Szwed "Kultura ponad podziałami" that is the Issues Concerning Borderland in the Papers of Lublin’s Quarterly "Akcent" 20
Maria Bauchrowicz-Tocka "Wspólna Praca" (1910-1932) - the News and Political Weekly of Łomża 20
Ewa Danowska "Sygnały" 1933-1939 - the Lvov Magazine with an All-Polish Range 20
Tomasz R. Paulukiewicz "Wryj" - a Magazine that Joked About Brezhnev and the Pope: The Monographic Outline of a Monthly Magazine Against the Background of Other Titles of Independent Press Released in Rzeszów 20
Jolanta Kępa- Mętrak "Projektor. The Kielce Cultural Magazine" in the Years 2013-2016 20
Tomasz Mielczarek Jerzy Jarowiecki, Magazines for Children and Teenagers and the Youth Press in Poland in the Years 1918-2000, Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Zarządzania "Edukacja", Wrocław 2016, 311 pp. 20
Ewa Danowska Jolanta Chwastyk-Kowalczyk, Technology and Science. The Exclusive Journal of the Polskie Stowarzyszenie Techników (Association of Polish Technicians and Engineers) in Great Britain, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego, Kielce 2015, 346 pp. 20
Tomasz Mielczarek Damian Guzek, Catholic Media in the Polish Media System, Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, Toruń 2016, 367 pp. 20
Renata Piasecka Tomasz Chrząstek, At the Cultural Front: A Content Analysis of the Weekly "Nowa Kultura" 1950-1963, The Institute of National Remembrance, Warszawa 2016, 398 pp. 20
Olga Dąbrowska-Cendrowska Prof. dr hab. Walery Pisarek, dr h.c. UŚ i UJK 20
Jacek Rodzeń Does a joumalist need philosophy in the era of post-truth and fake news? 21
Wojciech Lis Journalist's restraints regarding public information accessibility 21
Adam Górski Selected problems of access to public information (practical remarks) 21
Jakub Żurawski 41 JAKUB ŻURAWSKI (Kraków), Policy on disclosure of information by the parliament of the Republic of Poland (sejm) 21

Page 18 of 19, showing 20 record(s) out of 370 total