Yearbook of Bibliology and Press Studies

pISSN 2080-4938 eISSN 2449-898X


Articles Index:

Author Title Issue
Justyna Kubik Networking the Local Press. Compulsion of Cultural Cybernetics or Possibility of Publication Offer Expansion? 17
Izabela Bogdanowicz Journalism on the Portal - New Medium, New Ethics of Communications? 17
Wojciech Jabłoński Political Virtual Journalism. Elusion to Cybernetic Space as a Departure from the Standards of Practising a Profession 17
Mateusz Zapała Churnalism as Portrayed in the Most Popular Polish National Internet Portals in 2012 17
Jolanta Dzierżyńska Profitability of Press Publishers from Migration to the Internet 17
Ignacy S. Fiut Migration of the Free Press to the Internet and Its Publishing Strategies 17
Zbigniew Anculewicz Opinion Daily Environment of "Political Review" - an Example of New Press Migration to the Cybernetic Space 17
Włodzimierz Gogołek - Information Potential of Refined Network Resources 17
Jolanta Dzierżyńska Wojciech Wajdern, The personnel in truth that is I was a tabloid hackworker, PPR Tonograf 16
Ewa Danowska National congress of book culture 16
Adam Jachimczyk II National Scientific Conference, Bibliography - theory, practicals, didatics, Warsaw, 7-8 November 2012 16
Olga Dąbrowska-Cendrowska Scientific Conference, Media - Fashion - Image, Wrocław 10 May 2012 16
Renata M. Zając Urania we lwowie i w krakowie 17
Jolanta Dzierżyńska Two papers on the press of Kielce in the years 1944 - 1989: Maria M. Siuda, The Province of Kielce press in the years 1944 - 1989. Historical and press studies, Jan Kochanowski University Press, Kielce 2012, pg. 368; Jolanta Kępa-Metrak, Constantly vigilant. About journalists in the Kielce and Radom region (and not only), Aspra-JR Press, Warsaw 2012, pg. 292 16
Judyta Perczak Paul Levinson, The new new media, WAM Press, Warsaw 2010, pg. 327 16
Tomasz Chrząstek A report on the extinction of Polish newspapers, Aspra-JR Press, Warsaw 2012, pg. 242 16
Tomasz Mielczarek Leszek Olszański, The media and Internet journalism, Poltex Press, Warsaw 2012, pg. 328 16
Adam Górski Selected problems of defence proceedings concerning the preservation of personal property 16
Tomasz Mielczarek Digitalization of television transmission in poland.random sample study of the local branch of polish television company in kielce 16
Anna Kleiber Accessibility of titles acknowledged as bestsellers and their lending out rate in selected raczyńskis libraries 16

Page 3 of 19, showing 20 record(s) out of 370 total