Yearbook of Bibliology and Press Studies

pISSN 2080-4938 eISSN 2449-898X


Autor Olga Dąbrowska-Cendrowska
Tytuł Męska sprawa - czyli zaangażowanie niemieckich koncernów w segment prasy dla mężczyzn
Title Men's matter - that is the German companies involvement in the segment of men's press
Numer 14


There is an observation of a deepening segmentation of the high-circulation polish magazine market. The key players, that is companies with German capital: H. Bauer, Axel Springer Polandait Burda Media Poland inextricably associated with offers addressed to female consumers, system®-cally invested in periodicals patronized by men. The article attempts to both define the men's pres and indicatc features that are common for this diversified segment of the media. The author elabo-rates the key titles, outlining their contents, the issues addressed and the turnover from sales. Tl* survey conducted clearly rcvcaled that the leaders in the computer and motoring press in the ycafi 1995-2010 were, in turns, periodicals of the two companies with German capital. namely H. Baua and Axel Springer.