Yearbook of Bibliology and Press Studies

pISSN 2080-4938 eISSN 2449-898X


Autor Grzegorz Nieć
Tytuł Problemy wrocławskiej gastronomii w drugiej połowie lat sześćdziesiątych XX wieku w świetle doniesień i komentarzy prasowych
Title Wroclaw gastronomie problems In the second half of '60s In the 20th century with respects to press reports and commentaries
Numer 13


The article presents and analizes press materials relating to the Wrocław gastronomy in the '60s of the 20th century. Destroyed in the war, Wrocław, lying within the borders of Poland after 1945, was, for a long time, encountered with a myriad of problems that emerged from both the shortcomings of a planned economy and the specificity of the Town itself. The press actively reacted to these problems and, despite censorship restrictions, informel the society about them. Supply difficulties, housing and letting, Lack of services, menu defficiency and finally pathology at restaurants and bars was the every day life of that period. It constituted an object of interest for journalists who could, under the persisting circumstances, articulate their discernation and invention. Criticism of abuse and thriftlessness was permitted and even written down as poems of communist propaganda, the mouthpiece of which was the press. It therefore Served on the one side as archival materials for historians and on the other side as matters relating to social Communications during the era of the People's republic of Poland for the researcher.