Yearbook of Bibliology and Press Studies

pISSN 2080-4938 eISSN 2449-898X


Autor Barbara Gierszewska
Tytuł Teatr a kino w świetle polskiej prasy filmowej do roku 1939
Title Theatre against cinema in the light of polish film press to 1939 year
Numer 1


Work is based on lecture articles that discuss contact traditional theatre culture with origin and progress of cinema to 1939 year.
Said articles was published generally in film and theatre magazines in this period. Work is trying to show different theatre to cinema influence periods and conversely:
1. Theatre disown cinema as new art.
2. Progress of film as main amusement for the masses.
3. Transfer people connected with theatre to film work (staging of cinema).
4. Turn down theatre help, independent film progress. Acceptance finest part of people connected with this art.