Yearbook of Bibliology and Press Studies

pISSN 2080-4938 eISSN 2449-898X


Autor Czesław Erber
Tytuł Wokół postaci Jakuba Zadzika (1582-1642). Cz. I. Autorzy utworów panegirycznych
Title On Bishop Jakub Zadzik. Part I. Authors of Eulogies.
Numer 4


The former palace of the Cracow bishops founded by Bishop Jakub Zadzik (1582-1642 was handed over to the Świętokrzyskie Muzeum (now the National Museum in Kielce) in 1971. An interesting feature of the palace interior decorations is the gallery of the portraits of Cracow bishops painted on the walls in the form of under-ceiling rieze in the Upper Dining Hall, whose bio-bibliographical and iconographic documentation will be presented in a cycle of articles. This presentation is devoted to the founder of the palace. Part I comprises elegiac texts of the Polish authors of the 17th century; the next parts will contain book dedications, iconography, etc.