Yearbook of Bibliology and Press Studies

pISSN 2080-4938 eISSN 2449-898X


Autor Edyta Wygonik-Barzyk
Tytuł Polski Herald i jego obecność na rynku prasy polskiej w Irlandii w latach 2005-2009
Title The Polish Herald and its presence on the polish press Market In Ireland In the years 2005-2009
Numer 13


The "Polish Herald" had existed on the Polish press market In Ireland for about three years and three months only to share the fate of several other polish writings that ceased to come out. The exceptionality of this title is due mainly to the fact that it was produced by an Irish Publisher and , above all, that the whole endeavour was his initiative. The very idea that part of an Irish newspaper was In a foreign language addressed to a national minority living In the country aroused a lot of emotions. With time it turned out that other newspapers followed up, not only in Ireland, although somewhat based on other principles.
The "Polish Herald" could, with all certainty, be acknowledged as an exceptional title, a forum for the abrasion of Polish and Irish opinions, expectations, perhaps even some notion of prejudice, a situation offering the opportunity for a better mutual acquaintance between the two nations. The paper was not ideal, not all flaws could be eliminated. For people, like the Poles, working on this Project, was yet, with all certainty, a valuable and unique professional experience.