Yearbook of Bibliology and Press Studies

pISSN 2080-4938 eISSN 2449-898X


Autor Jolanta Chwastyk-Kowalczyk
Tytuł Świat bez granic
Title The World without borders
Numer 13


The article depicts - on the basis of reviews, insets with reproductions and other presentations In the transcripts of the London "Polish Daily" and "Soldiers' Daily", weekly "The News", quarterly "Poets Publishing House", weekly changed into a monthly "White Eagle", and the Paris "Culture" - the creative activities of the emigrant visual artists in Great Britain in the years 1940-1989, as well as the continuity of Polish art in exile and its contact with western culture. The artists functioned on the British art market as part of artistic groups, works hops, schools and galleries: The Fraternity of artists, Marian Bohusz-Szyszko's School of easel art, Group 49, Free Painters Group, British-Continental Art. School, the "Scottish Group", South-East Painters, Etchers and Engravers, British Royal Academy, independent creators: Gallery of Polish Socio-Cultural Centre (POSK), the Polish YMCA Club, Polish Centre, The White Eagle Club, Drian Gallery, Cottemham Gallery, Grabowski Gallery, Jabłonsky Gallery. Most artists like Adam Kossowski, Feliks Topolski, Antoni Wasilewski (Tony) and others were engaged in the illustration of books published in exile. The accomplishment of the emigrant creators have, hitherto, not been documented in any monography. A section of the accumulated works of these artists was bequeathed to Poland, eg. Mateusz Grabowski donated his resources to the National Museum in Łódź; a few of them are available in the National Museum of Warsaw and Poznań.