Yearbook of Bibliology and Press Studies

pISSN 2080-4938 eISSN 2449-898X


Autor Monika Olczak-Kardas
Tytuł Regulaminy księgarskie - źródłem zasad rządzących rynkiem książki w Polsce okresu międzywojennego
Title Booktrade regulations - origin of principles governing The book market In Poland In the interwar period
Numer 13


The article presents the rules passed by the Council of registration Offices and the United credit and book, dealers Organization on the June 13th and July 15th 1933 - i.e rules on bookdealers relationships and sales regulations concerning the public,binding on all Publishers and book dealers, as well as the regulations of the Polish Association of book Publishers In 1930. The rules have been applied Since 1934 and are the consequence of a common endeavour by two organizations - ZKP (The Union of Polish bookdealers) and PTWK (The Polish Association of Book Publishers). The principles of the book trade relationships were geared towards the regulation of trade among enterprises in the book industry. It established norms and instituted principles for the solution of controversial issues. The objective of the sales Maxim with reference to the public was the regulation of trade relationships between book dealers and the public. It was designer to Apple to all book-dealing enterprises. The rulet incorporated clear principles relating to the cooperation of institutions affiliated to books, explaining and ma king the terminology more precise. All procedures of cooperation, relationships and responsibilities were clearly expounded. These documents did not totalny contribute to an improvement on the book market as there was Lack of consequence in their execution. Besides, lots of institutions involved in the book trade were Beyond the structures of the book dealers organizations.