Yearbook of Bibliology and Press Studies

pISSN 2080-4938 eISSN 2449-898X


Autor Lech Stępkowski
Tytuł Próba uruchomienia drukarni w Radomiu w 1794 roku. Epizod z insurekcji kościuszkowskiej
Title Trial of start Radom Printing House in 1794 year. Episode from Kościuszko Insurrection
Numer 1


It have been determined in thorough monograph of Radom typography (Radom Typography and Book Trading in 1881-1865 years; Radom 1977) that origin said typography was in 1811 year. Mention have been referred to trial of bringing from Warsaw to Radom and next to finding in Radom printing devices that have been found in manuscript raport made by plenipotentary of Highest National Council to area Sandomierz District, Aleksander Linowski, from October 1794 year that have been stored in AGAD archival materials. Said devices was however incomplete and printers had run short. Efforts had made by Linowski for set printing house needed to his insurection action was interrupted due to fall insurection.