Yearbook of Bibliology and Press Studies

pISSN 2080-4938 eISSN 2449-898X


Autor Grażyna Gulińska
Tytuł Kieleckie placówki biblioteczne od czasów popowstaniowych do 1939 roku
Title Libraries in Kielce from time after insurgency to 1939 year
Numer 1


Libraries that was set in Kielce from turn of centuries to 1939 year included primary schools books collections and secondary schools books collections and books collections belonged to self-education circles, education societes and organizations and public libraries. Between World Wars improvement situation was stated in the range of schools collections both for primary and secondary schools. On the other hand secret patriotic organizations that had acted in the town and had collections national literature became origin of future libraries, as for example Academic Lending Library that had been acting in 1906-1907 years or library of Public Library Society that had been existing in 1909-1948 years. Besides others libraries was started in Kielce between World War and article noted this facts.