Yearbook of Bibliology and Press Studies

pISSN 2080-4938 eISSN 2449-898X


Autor Danuta Hombek
Tytuł O reklamie i rozpowszechnianiu "Historii narodu polskiego" Adama Naruszewicza w XVIII wieku
Title Publicity and spread od "History of the Polish Nation" by Adam Naruszewicz in XVIII century
Numer 1


Edition story od "History of the Polish Nation" by Adam Naruszewicz determines at the same time history of innovatory and on different reasons impressive academic and publisher's achievements and also plans and efforts without realization.
"Adam Naruszewicz correspondence 1762-1796" preserved and published by Julian Piatt let present explorers to reconstruction work formation process with especially precise dating. We can see publishing and spreading process of "History..." with the same precision on the ground contemporary press informations.
Said article describes as well A. Naruszewicz letters as press notices providing very valuable informations about spreading and publicity action for Naruszewicz work with regard to information about first volume that was not published at writers life in spite of often promises.