Yearbook of Bibliology and Press Studies

pISSN 2080-4938 eISSN 2449-898X


Autor Lucyna Wiśniewska
Tytuł Filozofia twórczości Jerzego Żuławskiego
Title Jerzy Żuławski's Philosophy of Creation
Numer 2


Jerzy Żuławski (1874-1915) was an essayist, philosopher and writer representing the period of Young Poland.
The best known work of that writer is a moonlight trilogy entitled "Na srebrnym globie" (On the Silver Globe). Żuławski's texts have a paraphilo-sophical character as a rule. Philosophical problems are introduced in a literary form and are mixed with other problems. The philosophical problems in the works of J. Żuławski can be characterized as:
- metaphysical foundation of reality;
- a conception of creative man;
- a metaphysical dimension of art.
Creation is the key concept which enables one to understand Żuławski's opinions. He looked for the sources of creation in the unconscious, which he often identfied with fantasy, referred to as "intuitive ability of creating new things".
Inspired by Spinoza's pantheism, Żuławski strongly opposed the deterministic conception of man, characteristic of the author of "Ethics". He stated that man ought to surpass what is given and he ought to create new.
Creation is present in every sphere of human acticity, but it is particularly revealed in art. The author of "On the Silver Globe" was deeply convinced that man's creative attitude and valuable art which he creates can overcome the limitations of mis world and determine the directions of its development.