Yearbook of Bibliology and Press Studies

pISSN 2080-4938 eISSN 2449-898X


Autor Barbara Gierszewska
Tytuł Czasopisam filmowe w Krakowie do roku 1939
Title Film Periodicals in Cracow Until 1939
Numer 2


The purpose of this article is to make an overview of titles and content of film periodicals which appeared in Cracow in the interwar period. In total, seven film periodical appeared in Cracow, five of which - in spite of irregular publication - were important for the development of film aesthetics ("Ekran", "Krakowski Przegląd Teatralny" - subsequent "Ilustrowany Przegląd Teatralny" and "Przegląd Teatralny i Kinematograficzny", "Ki-Te-Ra", "Rewia Filmowa", "Przegląd Filmowy"). The Cracow film periodicals were more often interested in the problems of the world cinema than local film culture. Addressed to the Cracow intelligentsia, high school and university students, as well as the proprietors of movie-theatres, they had well-written articles and a good layout. Among the subjects relevant from the point of view of the cinema industry, they dealt with the problem of cinema as the means of mass culture. However, these periodicals did not receive support from the journalists of the socio-cultural press which provided space for important discussion about the development of the film. Also, theoreticians of the film (Tadeusz Peiper, Karol Irzykowski, Jalu Kurek, Jan Brzękowski, Jarosław Janowski) did not contribute to the Cracow film periodicals any considerations about film aesthetics. Contrary to Warsaw, Lwow, Lodz and Poznan, there was no periodical addressed to mass readership in Cracow.