Yearbook of Bibliology and Press Studies

pISSN 2080-4938 eISSN 2449-898X


Autor Mieczysław Adamczyk
Tytuł Prasa religijna Kielecczyzny w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym (typologia, funkcje, modele)
Title The Religious Press in the Kielce Region In the Interwar Period. (Typology, functions, models)
Numer 2


The article is an attempt at presenting a new classification and division of the religious press published in the Kielce Region in the years 1918-1939, its structure and function.
The term ^religious press" employed in this paper refers to periodicals published and distributed by the Roman Catholic Church (Catholic press) and religious associations and societies (Catholics' press). The Catholic press was directly dependent on the Church authority, and was subject to its censorship, whereas the Catholics' press identified itself with the postulates of Catholicism but was not subject to church censorship. The Church did not take responsibility for it.
In the interwar period, in 11 towns of the Kielce Region 38 religious papers were published. The most dynamic centres were Kielce (15 titles), Sandomierz (7), and Radom (6).
It should be added that other religious denominations did not publish their own religious papers.