Yearbook of Bibliology and Press Studies

pISSN 2080-4938 eISSN 2449-898X


Autor Władysław Maria Witek
Tytuł Walenty Fiałek jako bibliofil i edytor
Title Walenty Fiałek as a Bibliophile and Editor
Numer 2


Walenty Fialek is one of the most important people in the midst of bibliophiles and publishers in the second half of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century of Gdansk - Pomerania region. He was self - taught person, printer and editor of Polish history. The author in the article introduced concisely interesting events of his life, practice in Wielkopolska Printers' Association and his later independent publishing work.
Walenty Fiatka's life was devoted to bibliophile's books of Gdansk - Pomerania and history of Wielkopolska. He is the most famous in history of publshing movement His achievements as a publisher are out - standing. He is still well - known in the Pomeranian region, particularly in Chehnno Lands, in Toruri and other towns.
So just atfer gaining independence Fiatek was able to develope freely his initiative for the National culture sake.