Yearbook of Bibliology and Press Studies

pISSN 2080-4938 eISSN 2449-898X


Autor Władysław Maria Grabski
Tytuł Struktura naukoznawstwa a metodologia bibliologii
Title The Structure of the Knowledge of Science and the Methodology of Bibliology
Numer 5


Both notions are characterised by variability and indeterminacy; and both have their foundations in the theory and methodology of research of not only the humanities and social sciences, but also of all sciences and the sets of systems of sciences about knowledge and classification of its disciplines as well as interdisciplinary problems.
The theory of humanist library science will absorb the achievements of arts studies, literary studies and science. This is being done in Poland much quicker in the conceptual sphere than in the organisational and legal sphere, and it requires recognition of the tradition of reforms initiated in the Independent Poland after 1918. At present this programme may be too difficult and ambitious to implement, but the expected progress of the reform can change this state.
The obvious achievement of the last half century was to include the reformed system of librarians' training in the full academic course of study which balances theoretical and historical knowledge with experiments and technical and organisational skills. Probably in the 21st Century it will be possible to reevaluate and interpret the achievement of 'old' bibliology associated with the names of Joachim Lelewel and the new approaches from the interwar years, e.g. those of Aleksander Birkenmajer, Adam Łysakowski, Jan Muszkowski and Helena Więckowska.